Friday, October 2, 2009


1. Short clip showing classmate "navigating" your environment (played by Hayley)

2. Critique navigation clip with respect to strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of the Solidworks to 3dsMax to Crysis workflow.

During the initial modelling in Solidworks, other than the version converting problem for the files, the program is exellent for its assembling ability and accuracy. These important strengths contribute to the Townhall station modelling throughout the whole work flow from the very start.

Since the exporting of .STL files from Solidworks are automatically aligned in Solidworks, the process in 3DS Max is made with much convenience. However the material editting is very confusing and inconvenient. A lot of the functions and technical words - though we have used them, but we do not understand their meaning or what they do. Without fully understand what we do, it eventually leads on to problems like how sometimes materials do not show when they are being applied to the Crysis files. Since we did not know what we did wrong, there was no way to fix it either.

Crysis Editor is excellent in rendering despite all the problem-causing material editting, especially good for visualising realistic 3D environments. However the automatic render also means that there is a bigger limit for us to take control. The concern is to be spent on the correct method to get something working, instead of searching for possible methods to make something perfect.

One more bad aspect (also in Crysis Editor), since the player character in Crysis is huger than normal human, it also creates a false illusion that everything are smaller than real world (in the perspective of the player).

3. Post your particular version of the research question on your blog.
What are the different aspects focused by different work flows?

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